Anders Gade: Impressions from Dublin (mostly portraits) and the Irish West

Photographs by Anders Gade, Copenhagen

The 2005 INS summer meeting had over 500 participants, more than 300 papers and posters, and 16 symposia (11 submitted and 5 invited). And the science was good. The meeting thus continued the upward trend after Stockholm and Berlin.

Among the invited plenary lectures was:

Mark D'Esposito: When bottom-up meets top-down: Neural mechanisms of executive control


Among the invited symposia was "The use of prisms in the rehabilitation of visual neglect: Current issues and controversies", organized and chaired by Jane Riddoch

Jane Riddoch, Birmingham Yves Rossetti, Bron, Fr. Elisabetta Làdavas, Bologna, It.
Glyn Humphreys and Boran Lorraine also spoke

The meeting was held in the Burlington Hotel, which is very nice. It is also very dark. My pictures from the lecture halls became very grainy and drained of all colors, so I almost gave up photography. I did, however, also move outside among those delegates seeking a bit of fresh air (or a smoke)


Harry van der Vlugt,

Tilburg, the Netherlands















Henrik Mortensen,

Roskilde, Denmark














Narinder Kapur,

Southampton /





Did you know that Narinder is really Irish? He grew up in Northern Ireland, and he has written the history of the Irish in India as well as the Indian immigration to Ireland









Among the Friday symposia:
"Neuropsychological aspects of planning",  chaired by Jordan Grafman

Jordan Grafman, Paul Burgess, Robin Morris, Adrian Owen.  David Howard asks a question.


Afterwards, in the light of the hotel lobby ....






Jordan Grafman, NINDS/NIH, Bethesda, MD Robin Morris, London (and chairman of the Program Committee)
Adrian Owen, Cambridge Paul Burgess, London


Paper session 4: Dementia
Chair: Linda Claire

1) Stopford et al., Phenotypic variations in Alzheimer's disease

2) Ramsden et al., Everyday action performance in Alzheimer's disease: The role of working memory in everyday action task performances

3) Julien et al., Semantic dementia and concepts of number

Cheryl Stopford, Manchester

Camille Julien, Manchester

4) Gade et al., Frontotemporal dementia related to chromosome 3 (FTD3): Preclinical neuropsychological screening

5) McMonagle & Kertesz, The evolution of aphasia in cortico-basal degeneration

6) Pender & Goldstein, Investigating recall-recognition discrepencies in Huntington's disease using the dual route signal detection model of recognition memory

FTD3 (site in construction)



Elaine Funnell, London,
Robert Bornstein, Columbus, Ohio

Elaine Funnell has worked mainly with language and semantics in  dementia disorders.

 Bob Bornstein is and has for many years been our trusted INS secretary

Elaine ..

Bob ..


Robert Rafal,

now in Bangor, Wales


Rafal has contributed in many areas, e.g. neglect. At this conference, he spoke at the awareness symposium













Randi Starrfelt,



Randi is a Ph.D. student and  chairman of the Danish Neuropsychological Society











Burlington Bar: Robin Morris, Ashab Jansari, & Michael Kopelman




According to Brendan Behan, poet and playwright, Irish pubs are to be preferred to pubs in London.  It was also Brendan Behan who stated that Mount Brandon was his favorite Irish mountain, which goes to show his good taste and judgement. (More on this later)




The Philadelphia crowd ..

Anjan Chatterjee, Philadelphia









Anjan Chatterjee organized and chaired a symposium on Thursday: "Unilateral spatial neglect: Typology to treatment". This symposium also included  H. Branch Coslett, Kenneth Heilman and a Ian Robertson student

John DeLuca, West Orange, NJ (well, close to Philadelphia) Jerry Stefanos, Philadelphia


Laura Hokkanen,
Helsinki, Finland
















Mark Bellgrove, Australia  & Trinity College, Dublin, and
Sara Durston, Utrect, the Netherlands.


Mark Bellgrove and Sara Durston spoke on Saturday in an interesting invited symposium organized and chaired by Hugh Caravan: "Genetic influences on neuropsychological measures of psychiatric conditions". Both Mark and Sara reviewed genetic aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, where they have contributed importantly


In St. Steven's Green, Dublin

Hanne Udesen, Department of Neurology, National Hospital, Copenhagen Anders Gade, Department of Psychology,  Copenhagen University, Denmark


After conference amusements:
Connemara, the Burren (Co. Clare), and Dingle peninsula (Co. Kerry)


Ocean restaurant at Ballynakill Harbour with some of the Connemara Bens behind










The Burren, Co. Clare












The burren is an area of Karst, i.e. exposed limestone. It is about 250 km2 in size, and one of its interesting features is an abundance of wildflowers both in meadows and in the everpresent eroded lines in the chalk








Ballydavid Head, Dingle


Brandon Creek is off to the left









Brandon Creek, Dingle

At Brandon Creek, the local fishermen used to go out on the open Atlantic in their curraghs, small boats made of tarred cowhide on a wooden frame. It is still a secluded place, where a stream off Mount Brandon falls down to the landing. I camped here once with a horse and a wagon, and we spent a day here now.

Did I climb Mount Brandon? You bet I did! But that was 35 years ago, and this time around we only marvelled at the everchanging clouds forming on and rolling down this magnificent mountain

Photography:       (and Hanne contributed with a couple of pictures as well)