Okano, K., Grainger, J., & Holcomb, P. J. (2013). An ERP investigation of
visual word recognition in syllabary scripts. Cognitive, Affective, &
Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, 390-404.
Notes: The bimodal interactive-activation model has been successfully
applied to understanding the neurocognitive processes involved in reading
words in alphabetic scripts, as reflected in the modulation of ERP
components in masked repetition priming. In order to test the
generalizability of this approach, in the present study we examined word
recognition in a different writing system, the Japanese syllabary scripts
hiragana and katakana. Native Japanese participants were presented with
repeated or unrelated pairs of Japanese words in which the prime and target
words were both in the same script (within-script priming, Exp. 1) or were
in the opposite script (cross-script priming, Exp. 2). As in previous
studies with alphabetic scripts, in both experiments the N250 (sublexical
processing) and N400 (lexical-semantic processing) components were modulated
by priming, although the time course was somewhat delayed. The earlier
N/P150 effect (visual feature processing) was present only in "Experiment 1:
Within-script priming", in which the prime and target words shared visual
features. Overall, the results provide support for the hypothesis that
visual word recognition involves a generalizable set of neurocognitive
processes that operate in similar manners across different writing systems
and languages, as well as pointing to the viability of the bimodal
interactive-activation framework for modeling such processes
Chanceaux, M. & Grainger, J. (2012). Serial position effects in the
identification of letters, digits, symbols, and shapes in peripheral vision.
Acta Psychologica (Amsterdam), 141, 149-158.
Notes: Three experiments measured serial position functions for
character-in-string identification in peripheral vision. In Experiment 1,
random strings of five letters (e.g., P F H T M) or five symbols (e.g.,
lambda capital BE, Cyrillic Thorn Psi yen) were briefly presented to the
left or to the right of fixation, and identification accuracy was measured
at each position in the string using a post-cued two-alternative
forced-choice task (e.g., was there a T or a B at the 4th position). In
Experiment 2 the performance to letter stimuli was compared with familiar
two-dimensional shapes (e.g., square, triangle, circle), and in Experiment 3
we compared digit strings (e.g., 6 3 7 9 2) with a set of keyboard symbols
(e.g., % section sign @ < ?). Eye-movements were monitored to ensure central
fixation. The results revealed a triple interaction between the nature of
the stimulus (letters/digits vs. symbols/shapes), eccentricity, and visual
field. In all experiments this interaction reflected a selective left visual
field advantage for letter or digit stimuli compared with symbol or shape
stimuli for targets presented at the greatest eccentricity. The results are
in line with the predictions of the modified receptive field hypothesis
proposed by Tydgat and Grainger (2009), and the predictions of the SERIOL2
model of letter string encoding
Aix-Marseille University, 13331 Marseille Cedex3, France.
Grainger, J., Lopez, D., Eddy, M., Dufau, S., & Holcomb, P. J. (2012). How
word frequency modulates masked repetition priming: an ERP investigation.
Psychophysiology, 49, 604-616.
Notes: The present study used event-related potentials (ERPs) to provide
precise temporal information about the modulation of masked repetition
priming effects x word frequency during the course of target word
recognition. Contrary to the pattern seen with behavioral response times in
prior research, we predicted that high-frequency words should generate
larger and earlier peaking repetition priming effects than low-frequency
words in the N400 time window. This prediction was supported by the results
of two experiments. Furthermore, repetition priming effects in the N250 time
window were found for low-frequency words in both experiments, whereas for
high-frequency words these effects were seen only at the shorter (50 ms
stimulus onset asynchrony [SOA]) used in Experiment 2, and not in Experiment
1 (70 ms SOA). We explain this pattern as resulting from reset mechanisms
operating on the form representations activated by prime stimuli when primes
and targets are processed as separate perceptual events
Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive, Aix-Marseille University & Centre
National de la Recherche Scientifique-CNRS, Marseille, France.
Grainger, J., Lete, B., Bertand, D., Dufau, S., & Ziegler, J. C. (2012).
Evidence for multiple routes in learning to read. Cognition, 123,
Notes: We describe a multiple-route model of reading development in which
coarse-grained orthographic processing plays a key role in optimizing access
to semantics via whole-word orthographic representations. This forms part of
the direct orthographic route that gradually replaces phonological recoding
during the initial phases of reading acquisition. The model predicts
distinct developmental trajectories for pseudo-homophone and
transposed-letter effects - two benchmark phenomena associated with
phonological recoding and coarse-grained orthographic processing,
respectively. Pseudo-homophone effects should decrease over the first years
of reading acquisition, whereas transposed-letter effects should initially
increase. These predictions were tested in a lexical decision task with 334
children in grades 1-5, and 29 skilled adult readers. In line with the
predictions, we found that the pseudo-homophone effect diminished as reading
level increased, whereas the transposed-letter effect first increased and
then diminished
Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive, CNRS and Aix-Marseille Universite, 3
place V. Hugo, 13331 Marseille, France. jonathan.grainger@univ-amu.fr
Grainger, J. & Ziegler, J. C. (2011).
A dual-route approach to orthographic processing. Front.Psychol., 2,
Notes: In the present theoretical note we examine how different learning
constraints, thought to be involved in optimizing the mapping of print to
meaning during reading acquisition, might shape the nature of the
orthographic code involved in skilled reading. On the one hand, optimization
is hypothesized to involve selecting combinations of letters that are the
most informative with respect to word identity (diagnosticity constraint),
and on the other hand to involve the detection of letter combinations that
correspond to pre-existing sublexical phonological and morphological
representations (chunking constraint). These two constraints give rise to
two different kinds of prelexical orthographic code, a coarse-grained and a
fine-grained code, associated with the two routes of a dual-route
architecture. Processing along the coarse-grained route optimizes fast
access to semantics by using minimal subsets of letters that maximize
information with respect to word identity, while coding for approximate
within-word letter position independently of letter contiguity. Processing
along the fined-grained route, on the other hand, is sensitive to the
precise ordering of letters, as well as to position with respect to word
beginnings and endings. This enables the chunking of frequently co-occurring
contiguous letter combinations that form relevant units for
morpho-orthographic processing (prefixes and suffixes) and for the
sublexical translation of print to sound (multi-letter graphemes)
Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive, Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, Aix-Marseille University Marseille, France
Massol, S., Midgley, K. J., Holcomb, P. J., & Grainger, J. (2011). When less
is more: feedback, priming, and the pseudoword superiority effect. Brain
Research, 1386, 153-164.
Notes: The present study combined masked priming with electrophysiological
recordings to investigate orthographic priming effects with nonword targets.
Targets were pronounceable nonwords (e.g., STRENG) or consonant strings
(e.g., STRBNG), that both differed from a real word by a single letter
substitution (STRONG). Targets were preceded by related primes that could be
the same as the target (e.g., streng-STRENG, strbng-STRBNG) or the real word
neighbor of the target (e.g., strong-STRENG, strong-STRBNG). Independently
of priming, pronounceable nonwords were associated with larger negativities
than consonant strings, starting at 290ms post-target onset. Overall,
priming effects were stronger and longer-lasting with pronounceable nonwords
than consonant strings. However, consonant string targets showed an early
effect of word neighbor priming in the absence of an effect of repetition
priming, whereas pronounceable nonwords showed both repetition and word
neighbor priming effects in the same time window. This pattern of priming
effects is taken as evidence for feedback from whole-word orthographic
representations activated by the prime stimulus that influences bottom-up
processing of prelexical representations during target processing
Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive (LPC), CNRS et Universite de Provence,
Bat. 9, Case D, 3, place Victor Hugo, 13331 MARSEILLE Cedex 3, France.
Grainger, J., Rey, A., & Dufau, S. (2008). Letter perception: from pixels to
pandemonium. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12, 381-387.
Notes: DA - 20080923
In 1959, Oliver Selfridge proposed a model of letter perception, the
Pandemonium model, in which the central hypothesis was that letters are
identified via their component features. Although a consensus developed
around this general approach over the years, key evidence in its favor
remained lacking. Recent research has started to provide important evidence
in favor of feature-based letter perception, describing the nature of the
features, and the time-course of processes involved in mapping features onto
abstract letter identities. There is now hope that future 'pandemonium-like'
models will be able to account for the rich empirical database on letter
identification that has accumulated over the past 50 years, hence solving
one key component of the reading process
CNRS and Aix-Marseille University, Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive,
Universite d'Aix-Marseille I, 3 place Victor Hugo, 13331 Marseille, France.
Welvaert, M., Farioli, F., & Grainger, J. (2008).
Graded effects of number of inserted letters in superset priming.
Exp.Psychol., 55, 54-63.
Notes: Three masked priming experiments investigated the effects of target
word length and number of inserted letters on superset priming, where
irrelevant letters are added to targets to form prime stimuli (e.g.,
tanble-table). Effects of one, two, three, and four-letter insertions were
measured relative to an unrelated prime condition, the identity prime
condition, and a condition where the order of letters of the superset primes
was reversed. Superset primes facilitated performance compared with
unrelated primes and reversed primes, and the overall pattern showed a small
cost of letter insertion that was independent of target word length and that
increased linearly as a function of the number of inserted letters. A
meta-analysis incorporating data from the present study and two other
studies investigating superset priming, showed an average estimated
processing cost of 11 ms per letter insertion. Models of letter position
coding are examined in the light of this result
Holcomb, P. J. & Grainger, J. (2006). On the time course of visual word
recognition: an event-related potential investigation using masked
repetition priming. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 1631-1643.
Notes: Department of Psychology, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, USA.
The present study used event-related potentials (ERPs) to examine the time
course of visual word recognition using a masked repetition priming
paradigm. Participants monitored target words for occasional animal names,
and ERPs were recorded to nonanimal critical items that were full
repetitions, partial repetitions, or unrelated to the immediately preceding
masked prime word. The results showed a strong modulation of the N400 and
three earlier ERP components (P150, N250, and the P325) that we propose
reflect sequential overlapping steps in the processing of printed words
Carreiras, M., Ferrand, L., Grainger, J., & Perea, M. (2005). Sequential
effects of phonological priming in visual word recognition. Psychological
Science, 16, 585-589.
Notes: Two masked priming experiments were conducted to examine phonological
priming of bisyllabic words in French, and in particular, whether it
operates sequentially or in parallel. Bisyllabic target words were primed by
pseudowords that shared either the first or the second phonological syllable
of the target. Overlap of the first syllable only-not the second-produced
facilitation in both the lexical decision and the naming tasks. These
findings suggest that, for polysyllabic words, phonological codes are
computed sequentially during silent reading and reading aloud
Grainger, J. & Whitney, C. (2004). Does the huamn mnid raed wrods as a wlohe?
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8, 58-59.
Notes: J. Grainger, LPC-CNRS, University of Provence, 13621 Aix-en-Provence
Grainger, J., Bouttevin, S., Truc, C., Bastien, M., & Ziegler, J. (2003).
Word superiority, pseudoword superiority, and learning to read: a comparison
of dyslexic and normal readers. Brain and Language, 87, 432-440.
Notes: Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive, Universite de Provence, 29 Av.
Robert Schuman, 13621 Aix-en-Provence, France. grainger@up.univ-mrs.fr
Identification of letters embedded in briefly presented words (e.g., TABLE),
pseudowords (e.g., TOBLE), and illegal nonwords (e.g., TPBFE) was measured
using the Reicher-Wheeler paradigm. Children diagnosed as dyslexic and
showing a clear disadvantage in recognizing and reading aloud words and
pseudowords (compared to chronological age-matched controls) showed a
pattern of results that was qualitatively identical to both reading age and
chronological age control children. In all three groups a small
nonsignificant advantage was obtained for letter identification in words
compared to pseudowords, and a massive advantage for letter identification
in pseudowords compared to illegal nonwords. A group of adult participants
tested with the same materials showed the classic word superiority effect as
well as a pseudoword advantage over illegal nonwords. These results suggest
that the pseudoword superiority effect is subtended by regularities
operating at the level of sublexical orthographic representations (orthotactic
constraints). This phenomenon could provide a useful tool for future
investigations of the development of orthotactic constraints during reading
Grainger, J. & Jacobs, A. M. (1996). Orthographic processing in visual word
recognition: a multiple read-out model. Psychological Review, 103,
Notes: Centre de Recherche en Psychologie Cognitive, Universite de Provence,
Aix-en-Provence, France. grainger@aixup.univ-aix.fr or jacobs@lnf.cnrs-mrs.fr
A model of orthographic processing is described that postulates read-out
from different information dimensions, determined by variable response
criteria set on these dimensions. Performance in a perceptual identification
task is simulated as the percentage of trials on which a noisy criterion set
on the dimension of single word detector activity is reached. Two additional
criteria set on the dimensions of total lexical activity and time from
stimulus onset are hypothesized to be operational in the lexical decision
task. These additional criteria flexibly adjust to changes in stimulus
material and task demands, thus accounting for strategic influences on
performance in this task. The model unifies results obtained in response-
limited and data-limited paradigms and helps resolve a number of
inconsistencies in the experimental literature that cannot be accommodated
by other current models of visual word recognition
Ferrand, L. & Grainger, J. (1992). Phonology and orthography in visual word
recognition: evidence from masked non-word priming. Quarterly Journal of
Experimental Psychology A,Human Experimental Psychology, 45, 353-372.
Notes: AD: C.N.R.S., Paris, France AB: Three lexical decision experiments in
French investigated the effects of briefly presented forward-masked non-word
primes on latencies to phonologically and/or orthographically related
targets. At 64-msec prime presentation durations, primes that are
pseudohomophones of the target produced facilitatory effects compared to
orthographic controls, but these orthographically similar non-word primes
did not facilitate target recognition compared to unrelated controls. These
results were obtained independently of target word frequency and
independently of the presence or absence of pseudohomophone targets in the
experimental lists. With a 32-msec prime duration, on the other hand,
pseudohomophone and orthographic primes had similar effects on target
recognition, both producing facilitation relative to unrelated controls. The
results are discussed in terms of the time course of phonological and
orthographic code activation in the processing of pronounceable strings of
letters |